Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Images of ourselves

by Chen Xichun


Lately I've been reading the novels of Stephen King, the most exciting of which is definitely Misery: Writer Paul Sheldon is rescued from a car crash by his "number one fan," Annie; Paul Sheldon's most successful series is set in the late 19th century and has a female protagonist called "Misery;" the series is extremely popular, but in the last volume of the series he kills off Misery so he can begin what he believes will be a more modern novel with higher literary value.


While he's lying in bed recovering from his injuries, Annie discovers that he has killed her favorite heroine, so she burns the manuscript of his new novel in a psychotic rage, and then forces Paul Sheldon to write a new novel in which Misery is brought back to life. It's more or less just the two of them dickering back and forth, but it's actually quite exciting (the book and the movie are both great, but their story lines are slightly different: In one, the forcibly written novel gets published to great success; in the other, the protagonist achieves his dream of becoming a serious literary author---here you can see the two different perspectives of the author and the director).


Each of us has an image that appears in the eyes of others, another that you actually are, and an idealized self-image. The bigger the overlap between these three, the happier and more satisfied with ourselves we are; while a big difference between them creates suffering and conflict, because what we see in the eyes of others is still our own reflection [though reversed, like the image we see of ourselves reflected on still water].


See, contestants on American Idol have a related problem: When there's a "top ten elimination competition" they suddenly make a big splashy change in their presentation, with a completely different look, and the critics and audience feel acutely let down by this. Where's the familiar person that was we loved so much? The star is thus pushed aside in favor of others, and loses the competition.


Everyone longs to prove that they are not only this one particular way, but if your work requires contact with the public, then you must honestly present the form you want most to show. Otherwise, if your true form is discovered, you'll be accused of having hidden behind a mask, so you must stifle yourself to the point of injury and depression.


Truly understanding what what you want to do, what you can do, is of course very important. But even more important is that we approach others with a tiny bit of compassionate acceptance. It's natural to be disappointed when others don't match your image of them; but, likewise, no one is responsible for the images of them that appear in the minds of others.

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