Sunday, March 17, 2013

Don't make Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon II

by Chen Qixun


I saw in the news that Li An's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is going to get a sequel, and that the rights were purchased by a foreigner, and that it will have a foreign director. First, foreigners have never been successful at filming Eastern subjects. Memoirs of a Geisha had no Japanese feeling whatsoever; it's difficult to understand why all the female leads were Chinese; perhaps it's just that Hollywood insists on this crass way of expressing its arrogance. In any case, they can't distinguish one Eastern face from another.


So at worst we can look forward to seeing Koreans or Japanese actors in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Part II (anyway, a Chinese director once used Koreans and Japanese actors in a flop of a flop---yes, that was Zhang Yimou's The Promise). [Note: The Promise did feature Korean and Japanese actors, but was directed by Chen Kaige, not Zhang Yimou.]


A foreigner making a martial arts film is a worrisome thing, because foreigners have no understanding of martial arts, and cannot film its flavor. But, yes, this is a form of prejudice. Maybe they'll do a better job next time. However, after reading how the plot plays out, one can't help but knit one's brows.

根據報導(所以有可能不是真的,希望不是真的),臥虎藏龍的續集會由甄子丹演楊紫瓊以為死了的未婚夫其實沒死,回到她身邊再續前緣,這劇情根本是鄉土劇老梗不說,然後范冰冰會演章子怡的女兒。 如果章子怡的女兒在續集裡長到范冰冰那麼大,那楊紫瓊在續集裡是不是七十了?兩個七十歲人的愛情故事,那不是臥虎藏龍續集,那根本就是溫馨接送情或麥狄遜之橋啊。

According to the news report (so it's possible that it's not true, I hope it's not true), the sequel to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has Donnie Yen playing Michelle Yeoh's supposedly dead fiance, who turns out not to have died after all, and returns to her side to rekindle their old flame. This storyline is total Podunk tripe. And on top of that, Fan Bingbing plays Zhang Ziyi's daughter. If the sequel has Zhang Ziyi's daughter grown up as big as Fan Bingbing, will that make Michelle Yeoh 70 years old? A tale of two 70-year-old lovers---that wouldn't be Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon II, it'd be more like Driving Miss Daisy or The Bridges of Madison County.


I think Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is already complete as it is; the wistful, mysterious, transcendent ending certainly does not require a sequel to explain what happened. Li An has his reasons for not continuing the story. And, with so many other good sources of dramatic material to choose from, why insist on messing up the accomplishment of the original?


The news report also mentioned that the film could be nominated for an Oscar. The idea of this film as an Oscar vehicle for Donnie Yen is laughable; with this script, the only thing it's sure to get is a Golden Raspberry. And finally---please! Any Western director who wants to film a sequel to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, first take a good look at the phrase "stick a dog's tail on a mink coat," and consider well its meaning, and then ask yourself again if you really want to do such a thing.

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