Monday, March 25, 2013

Out of fashion

by Chen Qixun


Some say fashion is a plot designed to create anxiety and make us constantly buy new clothes. But changing fashion trends allow us to try out different styles, and that's not a bad thing. Actually there are plenty of people in the world who truly don't care about fashion and are nonetheless quite happy and pleased with themselves. That's a lifestyle choice, and it's certainly a more relaxing one than chasing fashion trends from season to season.


But some still do care about beauty. Some people have given the whole thing up. (?) It seems that many people, after they've passed a certain age, will never change their style again because they've already found what suits them best. People who've given up are especially reckless. Sometimes I admire their bravery, that they can leave the house looking like that and not care a bit (actually it's not that they're brave, but rather that, since they themselves don't care about clothes, it doesn't occur to them that other people judge them based on what they wear).

曾經非常流行的東西為什麼後來會退流行了呢?或退流行的東西,又是誰決定把它重新拿出來的呢?好比最近開始雜誌上開始吹捧穿短上衣露肚子,有些女 明星也真的穿了,讓人想起電影獨領風騷裡的造型,不過這個流行我不覺得會真的會在一般人間廣為流傳,因為首先肚子是我們很多人都想藏起來的部位,豈有還把它拿出來見客的道理,再來就是如果上衣一換,那下身搭配的東西就得通通換過,是個很麻煩的流行。

Why is it that what used to be the height of fashion becomes outdated? And those outdated things, who decides to reinstate them? It's like how lately the magazines are going on about short tops that expose the belly, and some female stars are really wearing them; it makes one think of the styles in the movie Clueless. But I don't think it's going to catch on very widely. For many of us, the belly is a part we want to keep hidden, and it's preposterous to think of showing it to people; then if you change your top you have to change the rest of your outfit, and it's really a lot of trouble.


Things that used to be in style, whether fashion or music or people or figures of speech, the vast majority will be forgotten. The more something catches the spotlight, the further it will have to fall when the time comes. At auctions you can see last year's hottest bags on sale for bargain prices, and has-been stars performing at small-town fruit festivals and things. It's a bit sad. Only the very most fortunate few can pass the test of time and become classics.

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